One wonders how many thieving bibliophiles made home only to be disappointed that their ill-gotten bulbs wouldn’t screw in. Unless the light bulb in question came from the London Library where, for a time, they used left-handed light bulbs to discourage pilfering. A right-hand threaded stud will tighten as you turn it clockwise into a turnbuckle (Righty-Tighty!), just like a light bulb. The left-hand thread will slope up to the left and a right-hand thread will slope up to the right. Hold the stud straight up and look for the direction of the thread’s slope. Some snails have left hand shells but only a very few species have examples of both.

Anyone who knows which end of a hammer to use has probably used this little ditty to help them remember which way to turn a wrench or screwdriver.

Have you ever heard the old axiom “Righty-Tighty, Lefty-Loosey”? You probably have.