Welcome to the community of service providers powered by Unite US who will help you get the resources you need! In order to begin, we will need some information from you and your consent to share that information across our network of providers to connect you to ones who can help you. AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION.Case Workers Name (VOC,One Stop, VA, or other referring agency):.By doing such, I also authorize you to contact/speak on my behalf to come to any sort of resolution to my situation. to contact any and all outside case workers who may be involved with my current situation. I hereby authorize my case worker and assistance request committee members through WNYHeroes, Inc.You will then be required to wait six (6) months before re-applying again.

Should you not return the contact to our office within one (1) week, a denial letter will be sent to address listed on application. If there is still missing documents, an attempt will be made to contact you. I do understand that a representative may contact me at any point during / following the process, and visit my home. I understand that by not completely filling out the form, or by leaving blanks or by not providing required documentation (DD-214 Member 4 copy or Active Military Id, Photo, Identification, Bills, etc.) that this can and will delay the process. I will cooperate in any manner to expedite the request process as directed WNYHeroes, Inc. I also understand any false statement may result in termination of my request. to look into any and all information as needed. * We reserve the right to place calls to the following (Landlord, Bank, Utility, social worker, caseworker, or other) to confirm your request/need for our assistance.If you should try reapplying within that six (6) month period, your denial starts over again * *If you were approved for financial assistance previously, you must wait a minimum of three (3) years to apply again.* *If you are Denied for ANY reason, you must wait a full six (6) months before reapplying. I understand that this is not an entitlement program however, it is a program that offers assistance to those who served, where we see fit. as necessary to verify the need for financial assistance. I also agree to release any & all information required by WNYHeroes, Inc. I understand that financial assistance funds are paid directly to the creditor (landlord, bank, utility company, etc.). Financial assistance will be approved or denied at the sole discretion of the Assistance Review Committee. I have resided in one of the twelve (12) counties for one (1) or more years.

I hereby certify that I am a United States veteran, active military or military spouse and that the following information I am presenting is true to the best of my knowledge.